St John's Methodist Church, Settle

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Past Events


PAST EVENTS during this century - 2000 to present: 24.6 years !!! almost a quarter of a century!

See St John's Eco-group's visit to Malham Chapel to see their floor, their new community Garden of Hope and take part in their 9.30am morning service

Malham Garden 2023



Below: Queen's Jubilee celebrations

Queens Jubilee  Meal


Coffee Pot - Coffee morning on WEDNESDAY mornings 10.30-12.

1st Wed of the month is in aid of a charity

Money raised at recent Coffee Pots for charity in 2023:
Dec & Feb: Dementia Forward: £495-15
7 June UK Med: £150
1 Feb: Bethany fund: £145
1 March: Fair Trade Foundation: ..........
8 March: St John's Eco-Garden
April: NSPCC:
May: Peer Talk
July 2023: Action for Children (Formerly NCH £183.
2 Aug: the Smile Train Charity, which supports care for children with cleft palates in over 70 countries: £139.
Sept: Settle Hangout Youth Club
Oct:Guide Dogs for the blind: £199.60 from coffee, £177.49 - Sale of goods & donation

May 2024: £290 for Swimming Pool


Wed 6 March 10.30-12: Coffee Morning held for the Rainforest Fund raised £200. 70 % of the world's larger animals & birds have been lost since 1970... and the rate continues.

rainforest fund coffee morning

See our new Eco-group/Eco Church page

Download our Carbon-Fast Lent Calendar

carbon fat calendar

Warm space Film club poster

March 2024

Thank you John

Seen here playing th final hymn at the Old Church buiding, and below playing at Bill Mitchell's funeral.

John playing at the day we moved


In the video below skip to the second half to hear John playing music by Edward Elgar in the old church in 2015 for Bill Michell's funeral

(and if only I could find the pictures -other pictures of you mowing the old church lawn, sitting at committee meetings, playing at Settle Opera, .. and seeing so many of us at Settle Surgery!!)
Feb 2024

HeadleySt John's member Headley Calvert died recently.

headleyWe give thanks for his life.

JA (webeditor) writes: He worked hard in the planning committe for the new church building; We held some bible studies/fellowship group meetings at their house. But one of the best things about Headley - when I think of him is I feel a big smile coming on. This picture was taken on the Church Walk for Environment Sunday and Pentecost Sunday - to Lower Winskill Farm on Wed 30 May 2012 (See the Cowslips, the Early Purple Orchids)


Happy Christmas to all from St John's
11 Dec 2023 at Soup-a-carol


Carol singing on the market on the 12 th Dec:



Happy Christmas to all from St John's
11 Dec at Soup-a-carol


group with kerry tankard

Coffee after our 8th Anniversary Service on 3 Dec 2023 with Revd Kerry Tankard


Dementia Forward Christmas Tree, ready for Dementia Forward Christmas Coffee morning on 6 Dec

Dementia tree

On Sun 3 Dec we welcomed Rev Kerry Tankard who preached at our 8thanniversary.



See St John's Eco-group's visit to Malham Chapel to see their floor, their new community Garden of Hope and take part in their 9.30am morning service

Malham Garden 2023



Mon 4 Dec 2023: We say farewell to Michael Cullingworth (Funeral 2pm) - seen below acting Pilate in Settle Passion play in 2015

  Money raised at recent Coffee Pots for charity in 2022:
7 Dec: £252 for Dementia Forward
2 Nov: Guide Dogs for the Blind: £240.77 - £124.42 from refreshments, £116.35 from items for sale and refreshments.
5 Oct: The Rainforest Fund: £120 from coffee morning, £80 from "Let's talk Rubbish" day
Sept: Long Preston Over 70s: £83-80
Aug: The Smile Train
July: Peertalk: £205
June: Methodist Homes:£107
4 May: Cancer support Yorkshire: (organised by Sean and friends) £520
April: Ukraine: £500

Settle Passion Play Videos: 2022
The Last Supper- St John's Church 2022

Winter 2022-2023

Warm Space Thursdays
Settle Methodist Church Warm space: Thursday afternoons: 2pm - 4.30pm Tea coffee, chat, sometimes a film, or find a quite space to work (internet available) or charge your mobile. We often showed films.

These have now stopped.

  See pictures of our Thur 1 Dec: 1st Day of the Month Walk for the Climate on Clapham Nature Trail -singing a song for COP15 - the UN Nature Conference at Montreal 7-19 Dec to halt and reverse nature loss
. for details.

On 1 Nov we visited the side of Settle Golf course and found many Waxcaps

Settle Scottish Dancing Class at the Showcase.


On 26 Sept 2021 Rev Stephen Caddy showed us his new "Prayer and Worship in the Farming Year" book he has just published.



Pictures below from March 2022- Helwith Bridge

Helwith Bridge Group helwithbridge foredale

1 May 2021 at Lord's Wood in Settle


  We are now (since July 2021) meeting in church at 10.30 a.m. every Sunday, but we would like to continue to meet in as safe a way as possible. For everyones safety we recommend the continued wearing of masks in the church. (But in fact only a few people now wear May 2022) The service will also be relayed into the coffee lounge for anyone who would prefer to sit slightly outside the main church (with or without a mask) but still participate in the service. For those of you who do not yet feel ready to come to church, online services (morning and evening) will continue on our Facebook page and on YouTube.

Below: Giggleswick and Settle Brass band on 5 Dec 2021 - our 6th Anniversary



Let us give Thanks for the Life of Archbishop Desmond Tutu - RIP - 26 Dec 2021 (Sky News)

Below: 20 Dec: Longest Night Service - at 7.0 pm, Revd. Tim Broughton led a ‘Longest Night Service’, to remember all those whom we love but see no longer.

Front of church with candles - Longest Night Service

We remembered many people - incuding the family of Aidan Tomlinson - It was Aidan's funeral here on 21 December at 11am

5 Sept 2021 On 5 Sept 2021 we held our Climate Sunday Service. - The St John's Eco-group then led similar services at Ingleton & Hellifield on 12th Sept. After the Settle Service, Judith took the train to Glasgow to attend the Nations' Climate Service at Glasgow Cathedral organised by CTBI ahead of GOP26. Read about the journey & service here

In 1 Jan We had a brilliant "The 1st Day of the month "Walk and Pray for the Climate" walk of Churches Toegether -we joined the Austwick/Clapham/Keasden walk to Keasden Head Farm, and then on the the shooting lodge on the moor return walk 4 miles.

- On 1 July we went for a walk on a nature reserve in Ribblesdale. On 1 Aug we joined the congregation of St Oswald's Horton for their annual St Oswald's Day walk (pics below)

Walk by Ribble


  Vaccination Visitors:- The National Health finished the vaccinations here - There is now enough capacity at Settle Surgey and Ingleton - A huge thank you to all the volunteers here over the months. Read more..
2021 Plantpot preacher John Wesley - part of Settle Flower Pot Festival 2021

Below: collecting for Christian Aid in Settle this last week 10-16 May 2021.


or donate to our special Churches Together in Settle collection for Christian Aid online - CLICK HERE -

The Market collections organised by Richard Pike on Tuesday and Saturday raised £317.

Christian Aid Week



Cross on Easter Sunday

cross outside St Johns on Easter Day


Coffee Mornings used to take place by Zoom over Covid times

zoom coffee pot Zoom Tuesday Coffee Mornings: Tue 10.30am
Zoom Meeting ID: 884 852 6583 Password: 040 329 **Clicking here gives Direct Link **



Hustings organised by Churches Together were held at St John's in early 2020


Christmas 2019

candlelit-servicechristmas tree view

Brass band

Giggleswick and Settle Brass Band payed at the fourth anniversary of our new building on Sunday 1 December

God with us


Roger Walton welcomes new arrivals
Revd Roger Walton Chair of the Yorkshire West District of the Methodist Church and our two ministers of the Settle and Bentham Circuit and wives- at the welcome service on 2 Sept 2018

June 2018


View from Castlebergdogrose View of church in June 2018


Settle Carlilse Line Reopening Day: 31 Mar 2017 7.30pm St John's Church. Settle

April 2018 April: Click for pictures of Settle Good Friday Passion play 2018
March 2018 For more on history of Settle Methodist Church see post on Settle Historic Churches Tour here on 8 March 2018 (your web editor hosted the St John's section)
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Fields full of buttercups

Fields full of buttercups
Tossing madly trees
Rivers of grasses
Flowing in the breeze

Dandelions joyous
Defiant yellow weeds
Scattering profusely
Clocks of hairy seeds

Mists of forget-me-nots
Seas of bluebells
Sharing the woodland
Where the wild garlic smells

White clouds racing
To a far distant shore
The cry of the curlew
Floating over the moor

Sounds and scenes to treasure
As I pass along my way
There’s nowhere quite like Yorkshire  
On a glorious spring time day

By June Aileen Burnett

     Tony Burnett of St John’s Methodist Church died recently. This lovely poem by his wife Jane who predeceased him was read at the thanksgiving service for his life on 19 June 2017









Archives: We are seeking to make digital records of old photos, documents, memorabilia connected with the 122 years of the existence of our former church building
If you, or someone you know has items we can record and photograph please contact Philip or Web editor
  Gillian Cummins of the Iona Community leading singing workshop We had an evening learning songs from Iona
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GethsemaneSee pictures of this year's passion play here

and more very Good Pictures on Settle Anglican Church Website here


The results of the Settle Methodist Circuit Hymn Competition :



christmas christmas-chain christmas decorations
Christmas 2016


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Charity Coffee Mornings 2016:

Gt Ormond St £153
Lupus: £116
Peru Children: £100
Railway Children £115-70
Mind: £113
Smile Train: £91
Guide Dogs for the blind: £105
Touchstone: £100
NSPCC: £170
Rainforest Fund: £155
& £145 from cards
Children of Hope (Uganda) CRMI

  sign notice-board Music Group
  Christian Aid Christian Aid 8 May 2016
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Settle Sign - on Castleberg from the Church after the Tour de Yorkshire 29 April 2016 -( the sign has been taken down now and is set up near Settle Railway Station )


Breeze-block laying ceremony 24 Jul 2015

Singing our moving hymn, the day we moved
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St john's Music Group

programme for open day



This photo was taken 5 months ago. Now the new buiding is complete ALL Welcome

Do let us know.


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Memorial service for W.R.Mitchell was held on Tues 10 Nov - See video of final hymn:-

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24 May 2015- Lambing Service in farm near Clapham Station (All denom) + Keasden + Austwick
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Churches Together in Settle organised the Hustings on 17 April 2015 at St John's Methodist Church:


Messy Church-3rd Sunday of Month: 3.30-5.30pm For families messy church logofrom all churches and none in Settle: Includes craft activities, worship and hot meal. 3rd Sunday of the month: at the Church Hall One World Week special.
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Videos and pics 2014-2015
Easter Sunday morning 2015
14 wild flowers found near the church on 4 Jan 2015, and 5 garden escapes (blog)  
Settle Community Christmas Day meal held at St John's Church Hall(blog)  
Singing Carols on Christmas Day at Langcliffe (Youtube)
Churches Together Carol singing outside Naked Man (Youtube)
"We Three Kings" - Youtube
Carols before Christmas Lunch 25 Dec
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Visitors to Settle: If visiting Settle, would you like to have coffee at someone's house, or in Settle, near the beginning of your holiday, so you can learn a bit more about Settle? Drop us an email c/o webeditor.

September 2014: Welcome Service for Deacon Maggie Patchett, the new Rural Outreach person for the Settle, Skipton and Grassington and Airedale Circuits, held at St Andrew's Skipton.


Right: with the Bishop for Ripon: Bishop James and Revd Roger Walton, Chairman of the West Yorkshire District

Maggie Pratchett welcome

St Andrew's


David and Goliath

David and Goliath - part of Settle Plant Pot Festival

Hall prepared for Holiday Club August 2014- Cops and Robbers - and Joseph

Holiday Club 2014

Holiday Club August 2014

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Tea served after the service. See the new "Give a brick" leaflet"

Open Air Service on site of for our new church - July 2014
27 Jul Open air service

open air

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Messy Church visit to Malham Tarn: June 2014


Malham Tarn Moss

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2013 Settle Good Friday Passion Play.
Click here for more pictures and video

Click here for Easter Dawn Service and Easter Sunday Service -

21 April 2013 Cafe Service "Celebration:"

videos of President of Conference at Burton in Lonsdale 2013

1. Article in Craven Herald on April
2. Click: Burton in Lonsdale pictures

1. President of Conference presents certificates for 70 and 50 year local preaching
2. President's epilogue at Burton-in-Lonsdale. Hear good singing
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Easter Passion Play pictures and videos from 2012 - Click here


January 2012 -Informal cafe-style service for people of all ages‘Let there be Light' - See pictures and video

back to top old coffee - morning cmThe Rambling Roses - A group walking the Ribble Way call in for coffee on Sat 27 June 2009. plaque
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christmas eve candles

Christmas Eve 2011

Crib Service - Making Salt dough decorations

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flower display at St John'sYorkshire Fog2011 A visitor admires the wild- flower display in the Church Foyer... including grasses such as Yorkshire Fog (right) and flowers such as .. I'll give you a clue- first letter R, second letter C

Genesis ch 1 v 11:- And God said "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit. ..and God saw that it was good. Interesting fact: 3/4of humankinds food energy and protein comes from grasses - maize, wheat ,barley,rye, sorghum.. and from animals which eat the grasses. 2/3 our energy comes from just three:- wheat, rice and maize - Above:-Yorkshire Fog

clover and daisy

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High Tea at Settle 2011

Left:- A visiting group from Saltaire enjoy the Salad high tea provided by St John's on 22 June- the money rasied was for the church and the Rainforest Fund.

. Genesis ch 1 v 11:- And God said "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit. ..and God saw that it was good.

back to top Easter Pictures and Videoclips from 2011:
The Centurion  in the Friday Passion Play         Dressing the cross with daffodils                  Easter Hat

Welcome Service 2010
Sept 2010

back to top childrens club Methodist Recorder reports on 2010 summer's Settle Holiday Club at St John's. We held a good club this summer too. Next Holiday Club - 5 Jan 2012 - Age 5-11
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                                            St John's Settle 20 Dec 2009

      Getting to church in all weathers - 10 Jan 2010


Church through Settle Carlisle Line Viaduct on 26 Oct 2012  

Churches Together Holiday Club - August 2010

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Easter 2009 - Settle's Answer to Oberammergaudisciples feet Easter Breakfast Breakfast 2009
back to top old coffee - morning In Summer coffee can be served outside. cmThe Rambling Roses - A group walking the Ribble Way call in for coffee on Sat 27 June 2009. plaque
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Thanks to all who supported the Coffee Morning on Tue 7 April 2009 for the Rainforest Fund on Tuesday. £172 was raised.

Far left : a dog's eye view.
Left: Two ladies buying greetings card Right:Cameroon forest Kingfisher.

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Pictures from late 2008

No this is not the church in charismatic mode.. It is Langcliffe Singers who use our church hall (Stretching) - being filmed for Songs of Praise on 23 November 2008....

Christmas 2008

Christmas Day 2008 - Christmas lunch
in the Primary Room of the Church Hall

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Easter Settle 2008

Good Friday March 21 2008

and in the snow, Easter Sunday

More pictures

and videos

Easter Settle 2008
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Christmas 2007

Right: Nativity scene from the Church Display at the beginning of December 2007.

Left: "Ethical Twelve Days of Christmas" at Soup-a-Carol in the church Hall Dec 2007.

nativity scene with animals
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picture picture
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4 June 2006clover and daisy5 June 2006 Wildflower Walk on Environment Sunday
4 June 2006
More pictures

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Good Friday Walk on Fri 14 April 2006 (larger pictures) and description at Churches Together in Settle website click here 
     picture  picture  picture picturepicture


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Christmas Crib Exhibition December 2005. Over 200 people came through the door. £246.11 was raised for the earthquake appeal and £95 for St John's. Thanks to the two Anne's for all their work and to all who lent crib scenes.
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"2 Oct 2005: Read about the GLOBAL WARMING - WHAT WE CAN DO -Mini-Conference Organised by "Local Action for Justice and Peace" at Bentham Methodist Church on 22 Oct, and the trip back via the Quaker Organic Greenhouses at Growing with Grace

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2005's Remembrance Day Service was held at Holy Ascension. then we walked to the Cenotaph. Afterwards we were served tea in St John's Church Hall.

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German group-On August 7th 2005 we were joined by a group from Germany (Some of whom are shown here). They were staying at Stainforth Youth Hostel.

Pastor Thomas Acker organises holidays for Germans between 20 and 35. Last year was Provence, this year is Stainforth. They have been on day trips to the Lake District, York, Ripon and Fountains Abbey. Wednesday is the Settle Carlisle Line.They sang for us in the service. - in German and English. Although the participants were initially all from the Free Evangelical Church in Germany , there are now people from several different denominations so the event is becoming very ecumenical.

back to top Environment sundayWorld Environment Day and Environment Sunday 2005 World Environment Day and Environment Sunday fell on the same day this year - June 5. To celebrate this, on 6 June some members of St John's Church went on an environment walk. - Here seen above Winskill, with Ingleborough in the background
back to top Wood Cranesbill
Tom Lord tells us about his farm at his visitor centre
Globeflower in nearby "Poppy Wood" Environment Sunday
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Outside St John's Good Friday 2002Proceeding from St John's (in the background) on the Good Friday pilgrimage 2002Good Friday Churches Together pilgrimage. (This is 2002 but other years are similar - except it snowed on Easter Sunday 2008 )

Good Friday Churches Together in Settle Pilgrimage 2002 stops to hear some teaching outside St John's

..and proceed under the Settle Carlisle Line (with the church in the background) via the square ..

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St John's Methodist Church
Settle Flag Festival took place during during May and June in 2001. Over flags were made and are displayed throughout the town. They made a colourful site. (Even though it was Foot and Mouth Year)

Left - See the banner we made at St John's.

Parish church banners 2001Below: the banners at the Parish Church
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gamesaPictures to the right and left: taken at the Great Games Gala held on March 9th 2001 (in aid of Methodist Homes)
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Synod at St John's West Yorkshire Synod met at St John's Church on 6th May 2000. This was for representatives from the whole of West Yorkshire. Ron Fenner, Thomas Fawcett, Joan Corbett, Carol Blacow, Peter MacCabe, Liz Whitfield and the ministers attended on behalf of us in the Settle and Bentham Circuit. There about 200 people came from 19 circuits. We are pleased that Settle Anglican church agreed to make tea for some of the delegates to spread the load from the Church Hall.


More past events

Good Fri 6 Apr '07
4 June 2006Wildflower walk '06
Bouncy castle at Churches Together Pentecost Barbecue sm-past.htm#gf
Good Fri Walk '06 life size crib scene
Display of crib scenes 26 Nov '05.

Remembrance Day

Visit by German group 7 Aug 2005

Wild flower walk '05

Links you may like

Churches Together in Settle and District - Details of other churches in and around Settle

West Yorkshire Methodist District includes details of projects such as Touchstone and Beamsley - a Methodist website that explores contemporary issues (news, film, ongoing debate) from a faith based perspective - based at Methodist Church House in London.

Cornerstone Bookshop, Skipton (on Newmarket Street, east of Woolworth's) Christian books, gifts, cards, music, Traidcraft goods. Open: 9.00 to 17.00 Mon - Sat (10.00 to 15.00 Tue) Drinks: Available anytime Home-made Refreshments: 10.30 to 16.30 Open for Prayers: on Tuesdays 8.30 to 9.30

Methodist Churches in the Skipton and Grassington Circuit (to the south east of Settle)

Malham - A harvest festival made of three "farm walks"

Pictures of Settle Good Friday Pilgrimage - From River to Rock

Pictures of Easter Morning Service on Castleberg

The Methodist Church in Britain The official website. Find links to other Methodist churches in the UK

The Methodist Recorder - The world's leading Methodist newspaper

Church and Conservation - Christian Ecology Link (CEL) The Site for Christians concerned about care of the environment, species extinctions, pollution, GMOs, etc.

Christian Ecology Link Methodist Resources Page
Conservation and Church Craven Speakers Club, Skipton . Have fun learning to improve your speaking skills, gain confidence, and thus be more useful to you work/organisation/school etc

St John's Church Hall List of Weekly Activities of Groups that use the Hall

Green events    cs   Hymns   md  Climate Change

Above:- St John' Church (right) and church hall (left) as ween form Castleberg flag pole.

More pictures of Settle in the snow.

Our Calling

To increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love.
To help people to learn and grow as Christians, through mutual support and care.
To be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice.
To make more followers of Jesus Christ.

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I look to the hills. - View above spire of St John's

church hall wall display

Above: display on Church Hall wall in 2010- click for larger version


(our flooded River Ribble 22 June 2012)


Young lamb on the hill above Settle


On 29 July 2012 the Sunday Service theme was God with on the Journey through life - the journey can be as important as the destination.

The map shows the wanderings of the children of Israel. We learn that some people God called to act and to follow him were of great age - e.g. Abraham and Moses. The doughnuts symbolise the manna that God gives us for our needs


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