box at night

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box at night

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Projects:      Disability Awareness & Needs  |  Justice & Peace Group/Activities | Prayer Meeting
Ponder as you Wander Settle Leaflet | "God loves you" Telephone Box | Settle Passion Play
Messy Church |  Holiday Club  |  Young People's Group
|  Constitution  |  Health and Safety



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Thu 8 Aug: - Walk for the climate: This will be held later than usual (i.e. this replaces the 1 Aug walk) - we will join Craven Conservation Group on a guided walk at Swarthmoor - Helwith Bridge to learn about Peatpools, Dragonflies and more. Please book (email Judith). You can still download the Climate Prayer resource notes for 1 Aug here.

Climate walk for 1 July was eventually held on Fri 5 July at Ribblehead Quarry - share prayer-resource notes for 1 July here - See Pictures of previous walks

Tue 6 Aug: Prayer Meeting of Churches Together - meet at Settle Catholic Church.12 midday-12.40pm.
We do different things. Two months ago we literally went through all the churches in Churches Together in our area and a few churches Hellifeld to Horton, and prayed for the people there and raised one or two points about items/events/people at each church.

Settle Hang-Out 7pm on Wednesday Evenings at St John's. : for people aged 11-17. Settle Youth Cafe is supported by local churches.Will restart in September see facebook

Wed 4pm. Eco-Explorers

the last walk this term was held on 17 July. Will restart next term. Eco-Explorers: Settle Wildflower and Riverside Walk (for children aged 4-11 plus their families - children must bring an adult)

Advanced notice of Eco Explorers Summer Day Camp at Lower Winskill Farm 28,29 August: Places limited so please book as soon as possible. Ask for a form.

EE Camp

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In 2024 Christian Aid Week in May we raised 3,839.26 pounds (as at 9 June - and still adding to it) for Christian Aid - Thank you for all your contributions.


Past Events:

Election hustings 26 June 2024 :

Settle Hustings -2024-750

25 June 2024: CTISAD hosted the Settle (Skipton & Ripon Constituency)Hustings.
Here the candidates rest before the hustings in St John's "Eco-garden"

garden candidates


Picture from Sun 31 March 2024: "Dawn" Churches Together Easter Service at 7.30am outside the Friends Meeting House followed by breakfast at the Meeting House

Easter Morning


See pictures of "Journey to the Cross" (Fri 29 March 2024) - Settle Passion Play on Good Friday. Started at 10.30am at Settle Methodist Church


Trial of Jesus on Settle Market Place.

Left to right: Temple guards, Jesus, High Priest, Temple cleaners


Mary Magdalene 2024

Carol singing on the market on the 12 th Dec 2023:

Thank you for the donations on 12th and 19th Dec.43.85 pounds for Settle Pantry and 62.50 pounds for Christian Aid.


no more 1 in 3

Sat 25 Nov: Mothers Union (No more 1 in 3) Vigil against Gender based Violence at Settle Lights on

Radio4 Sunday worship on Sun 26 was on the Say no to Gender based violence theme. See



  Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Resources for 2024-CTBI
Resources for 2024-WCC


Churches & Services

Download printable leaflet listing Times of Services


Links to this website Link to church websites

Anglican Settle   (
Catholic -Settle (
Christian Fellowship -Settle   ( )
Friends - Settle   (
Methodist - Settle   (

and District:-

Methodist - Long Preston

Anglican Giggleswick village
Anglican Giggleswick School Chapel
Langcliffe (
Long Preston

Anglican Stainforth (www.achurchnearyou.

NISCU (Northern Inter-School Christian Union)
Abbeyfield Retirement Home
Limestone View Retirement Home

Wed Coffee Mornings (10.30-12)

St John's Methodist Church

Home Page: Welcome

Last updated:28 June 2024

Ordinary Service Times & church details (web)

Download CTISAD's updated:- Ponder as you Wander leaflet (A walk round Settle)

In 2024 Christian Aid Week in May we raised £3778 (and still adding to it) for Christian Aid - Thank you for all your contributions.

This year 2020 the toal rasied, mostly by donation online, just over £1235. Several people had already donated directly to Christian Aid beforehand. You can still donate by clicking on the QR code square below or scan it with your phone or login to

Last year 2019 The final Grand Total for our area is £3309.07


Qr Christian Aid Week

Churches Together in Settle and District AGM Minutes (and reports):



PAST EVENTS: (Links to more past events here)



Carbon footprintWhat are churches nationally and locally around Settle doing about climate change? Find out by Downloading the paper that Judith Allinson wrote in Feb 2020 on this topic .. But shouldn't we be doing a lot more? .

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres says the fight against climate change is far more important that the pandemic and yet global fossil fuel companies are still subsidised with 300bn pound each year. Guterres said - "I call on everyone - from government, civil society and business leaders to individual citizens - to heed these facts and take urgent action to halt the worst effects of climate change." (See pictures at end pf this page)


Easy Carbon footprint measures at your fingertips & climate change in Settle.
(Sheet prepared by JA)


A good video of people singing: The Lord Bless You - National video just released 3 May 2020:



Contact with specific questions. As Bishop Nick says the worship of the church continues. It is being done differently. Through the prayers of clergy and laity, through prayer in homes and families and social media we still meet, pray, care and worship.

Note: Settle as a whole has a Community Response
01729 825493 --- communityresponse@settlevictoriahall ---

AGE UK - tel 01729 823 066 has taken over much of the worrk of Settle Community Response - but the latter, and the village response teams are still there should the situation get worse.
Contact these if you need help (groceries delivering, advice etc), or are able to help, or have enquiries.

Ask Settle about Individual Village Response Teams (e.g. Langcliffe, Gargrave, Horton.)


We offer prayers for all who are caused distress in the current situation: whether due to not being able to visit relatives in palliative care, or who are seeing their jobs and incomes vanish, or have extra work and responsiblilites

and give thanks for silver linings.

St. Mary and St. Michael Catholic Church, Settle

Society of Friends (Quakers), Settle
Settle Christian Fellowship

St. John’s Methodist Church, Settle

Rathmell (R) and Hellifield (H) Methodist Churches (H) (H)
Open on Sundays 2-3pm for personal prayer (H)

Langcliffe (L), Stainforth(S) and Horton in Ribblesdale (H) Anglican Churches (L) (H)

Long Preston St Mary’s Anglican Church
Church open each day

Settle Parish Church (S), St. Alkelda (G), Giggleswick, Holy Trinity (R), Rathmell (S) (S) (G) (R)


 Ribble Flooding on 9 Feb 2020 


Then it flooded a week later on 16th.
Then it made the national news on the evening of 21st Feb, when it flooded the road at Horton.. Next picture of Watershed Mill car park flooded from Settle Chat late on 21 Feb:-

Watershed Mill on late evening 21 Feb


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Heron watching salmon jumping at Stainforth Foss


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Times of Church Services and Masses in Settle and District

(c) Churches Together in Settle and District (2000-2024)  email: