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Yorks. Naturalists Union:
Events of affiliated societies

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Forest of Bowland Events
Upper Wharfedale Field Society
Kirkby Lonsdale Supporters Branch of Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Yorks. Wildlife Trust

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email:CCG Secretary
CCG Web-Editor

Last updated
12 Feb 2025

How to join CCG

CCG has a wonderful printed Newletter/Magazine normally issued three times a year.
Members receive either a printed copy or a digital copy. Not to be confused with the short annual newsletters printed here on the Web (simply this events list.)

We also have a members email discussion group
which enables members to keep in touch, share pictures, share news of sighting, ask and answer quesions and hear about extra meetings organised at short notice.

Membership is only £10-00 a year. Join Now! Where else can you get such good value?


Outdoor events:

Those attending the outdoor events should be appropriately dressed (spare clothes, waterproofs, walking boots, sun-hats, sun-block etc.). Bring food and a drink. Contact the event leader in advance, to see if dogs are permitted. Non-members will be invited to make a donation of £2.00 (children free) to cover CCG’s advertising and insurance costs.
Event leaders have the discretion not to accept participants who are not suitably equipped or whom they consider unable to participate safely. Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure safety, participants join in at their own risk.



Items in coloured boxes (green) are not CCG events but CCG members welcome. Items in pale or medium mauve boxes are online events organised by other organisiatsion. Members of CCG are eligible to attend YNU meetings (pale yellow orange boxes).

Date Event: Links go to details (if upcoming) or report (if past - so far no past events!) Number of people who attended

29 Dec -1 Jan


The BSBI New Year Plant Hunt - takes place in the first four days over the new year every New Year and people contribute from all over Britain.

See our results for CCG for 2025 amongst all the national results here

In 2022 five members joined the parish walk at Keasden Head (See pictures),

Past CCG NYPH events: 2022 , 2021 (42 species - a record), 2019 , 2018 , 2017, 2016, 2015. It is easy to send in results using an app on a mobile phone.

I did surveys on two different days - one gave 14 species In fact f(not 15 as is entered) and one with 10 plants,(giving a total of 21 DIFFERENT species) then and entry for 12 and an entry for 13 (recorded as near Giggleswcik Golf Club)

but the total of different species for Settle is 27


Sat 11 Jan 10.30-12.30am Action on Climate Emergency Settle Café. St John's Church. Climate Justice:
Thur 16

Talk on Curlews and other Waders by Tom Ridgeoncurlew poster

Tom has worked for the RSPB,
monitoring baseline populations of moorland bird species as part of the Green recovery project at High Helbeck estate above Brough in the North Pennines AONB, and now currently works for PBA Applied Ecology continuing to provide surveys that monitor moorland ground nesting birds.
Settle Methodist Church, Church St, Settle BD24 9JH
, £5  non-members, school students £1, members free - family membership only £10


24-26 Jan Big Garden Birdwatch  
Thursday 20 February

Flies Unzipped

What do you know about Craneflies, Mothflies, St Mark's fly, Bee-flies, Midges, Hoverflies?

Come and find out more about these fascinating different types of fly from Derek Whitely who used to work for the Sheffield Museums and Sheffield City Ecology Unit, and who In 1988, founded a journal (Dipterists Digest) to disseminate information about identification and ecology of Diptera (true flies).


St John's Methodist Church Settle BD24 9JH

1 March

Yorkshire Naturalists Union Conference in York.

YNU Annual Conference - 1st March 2025

The State of Yorkshire's Nature report: what does it mean for naturalists? The line-up of speakers includes John Lawton, Charlie Fletcher, Africa Gomez, Lori Lawson Handley, Vicky Wilkins, Chris Hassell, Louise Wilkinson, Jon Traill, Sue Hull, Sharne McMillan, and Jane Smart.Booking for the conference, which will be at the Priory Street Centre in York YO1 6ET, will be open in the new year.

Sat 5 July Yorkshire Naturalists Union visit to Kingsdale Head Farm above Ingleton.Meet 10.30am (Transport offered from Settle at 9.45am - please book transport - contact Judtih)  
Sat 19 July Yorkshire Naturalists Union visit to Bolton Estate Meet at 10.30am (Transport offered from Settle at 9.00am - please book transport - contact Judith)  
Sat 4 Oct YNU Bryological Section visit to Broughton Estate  
Sat 9 Nov YNU AGM Leyburn  
Thur Nov 20 2025 AGM and Members Slides’ Evening St John’s Methodist Church, Church St, SETTLE, BD24 9JH
Entrance: members: FREE! non-members: £5; (join on the night)

Those attending the outdoor events should be appropriately dressed (spare clothes, waterproofs, walking boots, sun-hats, sun-block etc.). Bring food and a drink.
Contact the event leader in advance, to see if dogs are permitted.
Non-members will be invited to make a donation of £2.00 to cover CCG’s insurance costs.


Event leaders have the discretion not to accept participants who are not suitably equipped or whom they consider unable to participate safely.
Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure safety, participants join in at their own risk.

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Groups in North Craven (i.e. Settle Bentham Ingleton Gargrave Malham Area) Groups adjacent to North Craven or including a wider area.
Roots - Respect Our Old Trees - Settle

Yorkshire Naturalists' Union (YNU)

Now you can find out about events run by the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union (YNU) at their website and by some of the forty or so other natural history societies throughout Yorkshire which are affiliated to the YNU

Volunteering at Malham Tarn National Trust. Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group, Craven Section

Colt Park Thursday Volunteers:
Volunteering for Natural England At Colt Park Barn - usually on Thursdays. Please contact Natural EnglandSee Ingleborough NNR Facebook and Ingleborough NNR Twitter

Kirkby Lonsdale Supporters Branch of Cumbria Wildlife Trust Click for events - details from 015242 41155
Austwick Field and Local History Society. Monthly talks.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust - See YWT North Yorkshire opportunities for volunteering
Grass Wood Work Party Days - check the list just above - N Yorkshire

Settle U3A Bird-watching Group Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Settle U3A Geology Group Forest of Bowland Events

ACE Settle: Action on Climate Emergency have a biodiversity group that goes tree planting.

Upper Wharfedale Field Society
Bentham Footpath Group Cumbria Lichens and Bryophytes
Ingleton Archaeology Group Friends of the Dales
Settle U3A Geology Group Yorks Biodiversity Forum

North Craven Heritage Trust

Yorkshire Dales National Park Guided Walks and guided walks of other organisations.
Guided Walks in the the Yorkshire Dales, on various natural history topics. Run by the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Although aimed primarily for tourists, These are very good value for money for locals too. and we don't have to travel far to get to the walks.

Natural History and other courses at Malham Tarn Field Centre.(e.g. Grasses, algae, mosses, moths, and many others).

Sadly after 75 years of excellent courses the Field Sutdies Council has decided to cease running courses at Malham Tarn Field Centre. This is a tremendous loss. Tens of thousands - maybe well over 100,000 people or 150,000 have stayed there over the years. Many universities carried out research whilst they were there.

Plantlife - Own the Nature Reserce: Winskill Stones.

Bentham Environmentally Sustainable Town: BEST The North West Fungus Group (Includes Cumbria Lancashire, Cheshire and Clwyd)
Information on fungi
  The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group

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Weblinks you may like - Judith (webeditor)'s blog on raising money to save wildlife habitats and wildlife activities in Craven

North Craven Heritate Trust - Good articles in past issues.

Tony Dilger Photography - TG is a CCG member. Good photos

Craven Speakers Club, Skipton -

English names of mosses

Friends of Dales Rail

Identifying molluscs- easy online key to garden slugs and snails

Yorkshire Dales National Park Biodiversity Action Plan

Craven District Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan (outside YDNP)

Harlequin ladybird survey - News- A new ladybird has arrived in Britain . But not just any ladybird: this is the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis , the most invasive ladybird on Earth.- Look out for sightings in Craven as it comes north.

Fungi Links
See also the websites of
The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group

Sites that link to us:

Horon-in-Ribblesdale Parish website

Wharfedale Naturalists


Terry Whitaker would like to receive butterfly and moth records for this part of Yorkshire VC64 and VC65. Non members are very welcome to contribute results too. See the Yorkshire butterfly distribution map that the records contribute to.


Craven Conservation Group Home Page . email CCG Secretary  email  CCG WebEditor   Join CCG

Copyright ©1997-2023 quantum dot knowledge and Craven Conservation Group
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