2025 Subscriptions Our bank has now started putting charges on each cheque we bank. Therefore we are asking people, if possible, to pay by bank transfer, or else by cash at a meeting. Alternatively consider adding an extra £1.00 to your cheque. Please complete this slip and return it with a cheque for £10, made payable to ‘ Craven Conservation Group ' to: CCG Treasurer, Ray Hill, 27 Lords Close, Giggleswick BD24 0EG. Email: ccg.treasurer@yahoo.com If you pay by bank transfer, then our account is at HSBC. Craven Conservation Group, Sort code 40 40 31. Account number 01472577. Please use your surname and first name as the reference. Please email the treasurer to say you have done this. Please note the £10 also covers the children and spouse / partner / other relations of the named member living at the same address). Thank you. However we would prefer you to set up a standing order with your bank account to pay the group yearly by direct banking. |
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