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Sat 17 Jan 10 am |
Bird boxing Meet at the Millennium Gardens in Settle to help out with the maintenance of bird boxes. For additional information call John Osborne on 07967 971523. |
Wed 21 Jan 7 pm |
Curry night at the Rushee Restaurant, Settle It's bargain curry evening, bring a bottle and a friend. Please confirm with John Osborne on 07967 971523 by Monday 19 th if you wish to come. |
Sat 31 Jan 10 am |
Woodland management at Lords Wood, Giggleswick Join John Osborne for coppicing work in this lovely wood. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to walk to the site. For additional information and to confirm call John on 07967 971523. |
Sun 8 Feb 10 am |
Winter birds at Long Preston Deeps Join Adrian Shepherd and Brian Shorrock to enjoy the birdlife on this special site. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport, bring welly boots and waterproofs. For further information call David Tayler on 01729 825953. |
Wed 11 Feb | Not a CCG event: Cumbria Wildlife Trust Kirby Lonsdale Support Group . Dormice and other small mammals : Slide show and Talk by Tony Marshall 7.30pm Methodist School Room Kirkby Lonsdale. 015242 41155 |
Wed 25 Feb 7.30 pm |
Nature Conservation in the Yorkshire Dales Illustrated talk by Colin Newlands, Natural England Manager on Ingleborough National Nature Reserve. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Sat 28 Feb 10 am |
Woodland mosses at Lords Wood Join Mike Canaway to explore the mosses of this lovely wood. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to walk to the site. Please call Mike beforehand on 01729 823808 in case of change of plan. |
Mon 9 March 7.30 pm |
The work of the RSPB in the North West Illustrated talk by Tim Youngs, Conservation Officer with the RSPB. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Wed 11 Feb | Not a CCG event: Cumbria Wildlife Trust Kirby Lonsdale Support Group . Ferns of the North West : Slide show and Talk by Dr Jennifer Newton 7.30pm Methodist School Room Kirkby Lonsdale. 015242 41155 |
Wed 11 March 7.30 pm . |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come along to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry.
Wed 18 March 7.30 pm |
Red Squirrels in the Dales Illustrated talk by Ian Court , Species Conservation Officer with the YDNPA. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Sat 4 April 10 am |
Birch pulling at Austwick Moss Explore this site with Stuart Ralph and help with conservation management. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport. Call Dave Tayler for more details on 01729 825953. |
Wed 22 April 7.30 pm |
A change of direction; Holsteins to Highlands Illustrated talk by Hellifield farmer Robert Philip at Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Sat 25 April 10 am |
BSBI Botany day in Garsdale For additional information call Mike Canaway on 01729 823808. |
Sun 3 May 4 am |
Dawn Chorus Walk Walk with John Osborne at the Ingleton Glens. Meet at Ingleton Market Place at SD 695733. Entrance fee applicable. Contact John the previous evening to check weather and confirm a place on 07967 971523. |
Tues 19 and Wed 20 May 9 am |
Woodland flora monitoring at Cleatop Park Local Nature Reserve Come and help national park staff led by Tim Thom to survey the flora at this local site. Non experts welcome as groups will include experienced botanists. For additional information call Mike Canaway on 01729 823808. |
Mon 25 May 7 pm |
Spring Flowers Woodland Walk Enjoy the spring flowers with Roger Neale at Clapham Woods. Meet at the National Park car park in the village. |
Tues 2 June 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come along to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry. |
Tues 9 June 10.30 am |
Rare flowers of Cumbria Explore a range of sites in east Cumbria including Silverdale and Hale Moss with Helen Sergeant. Meet at Ingleton Community Centre, call Helen on 01729 860379 for details. |
14 June | Not a CCG event - but it may be of interest: YWT Living churchyard/Institute of Biology Yorkshire Region event at Giggleswick Churchyard in the afternoon. |
Sat 20 June 10 am |
Moughton Meander Join Mike Canaway to explore the delights of this quiet corner of Crummackdale. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport. Call Mike for more details on 01729 823808. |
CANCELLED: Tues 30 June and Wed 1 July 9 am |
CANCELLED: Grassland flora monitoring at Attermire/Langcliffe Local Nature Reserve Come and help national park staff led by Tim Thom to survey the flora at this local site. Non experts welcome as groups will include experienced botanists. For additional information call Mike Canaway on 01729 823808. CANCELLED: |
Thurs 2 July 9.30 a.m. to about 3.30 p.m |
"Thistle stubbing at Plantlife's Winskill Stones nature reserve above Langcliffe, Meet at the reserve car park (a mile out of Langcliffe on the Malham road, grid ref SD835660), and bring waterproofs, boots or stout footwear, gloves and a packed lunch if staying for the day. People coming just for the morning or afternoon are equally welcome. A number of thistle stubbers will be provided, but bringing a spade or scythe could also be useful. Further details from Gerald Light on 01756 753720." |
Sat 11 July 10 am |
Flora and landscape of Malham Moor Join Dave Tayler to explore the rich diversity of this classic limestone locality. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport. Call Dave for more details on 01729 825953. |
Tues 21 July 1) 10am-midday
2) 7.00 pm |
Wildlife and conservation at Ribblehead Quarry This walk will be run twice: Once in morning and once in the evening Explore the increasing diversity of this fascinating site For more information contact Colin at the NNR office on 015242 42021.
Wed 29 July 6.30pm |
Fern Frolic Join Mike Canaway in seeking out and identifying some of the more easily recognised ferns around Settle. Meet at Greenfoot Car Park. Call Mike for more details on 01729 823808. (Note the start time is 6.30pm and the start place is Greenfoot Car Park, not 7pm at Settle Swimming Pool as earlier mentioned on this website earlier in the year) |
Led by Judith Allinson of Craven Conservation Group. Meet at Cow Bridge, Long Preston See also video of CCG Trip to Long Preston Deeps Introduction in 2008 |
Sat 15 August 9.30 am |
Upland alpine flora Join Mike Canaway exploring Great Shunner Fell in Swaledale. Call Mike for further details, meet to share transport at Settle Swimming Pool. |
Thurs 20 August 10.00 am |
Practical management at Lords Pasture SSSI Help out John Osborne in controlling the ragwort and brambles in this special site. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool and call John on 07967 971523 for >information. |
Wed 26 Aug | NEW !!!!!!!! ALGAE AND LICHENS FOR BEGINNERS WALK with national expert Dr Allan Join Dr Allan Pentecost and Craven Conservation Group to learn about two new groups Meet at Settle Swimming Pool at 10am to share transport or at Malham Information |
Thurs 27 August 10.00 am |
Make hay while the sun shines! Help out John Osborne in hay-making at this special site. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool and call John on 07967 971523 for more information and to confirm the event - it does need dry weather! |
Wed 2 Sept 6.30 pm |
Trees around Settle Join Mike Canaway discovering and learning how to identify trees around the town. Will any of them qualify as 'Veteran trees?' Meet at Settle Police Station on Duke Street . |
Tues 8 Sept 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come along to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry. |
Sat 19 Sept
An algae and lichens walk Led by Judith Allinson |
Sat 19 Sept | National Moth Night Event at Hoffman Kiln, Langcliffe. 7.15pm. Bring torches, and strong footwear. |
Wed 7 Oct 7.30 pm |
Hay Time Update Illustrated talk by Don Gamble, Hay Time Project Officer on progress of the project since 2006. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Wed 21 Oct 7.30 pm |
Maritime Alps ; Landscape and Sustainable tourism Illustrated talk by Hilary and Wilf Fenten. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Wed 28 October
Fungus Foray Join Archie Macadam to visit Lord's Wood, Pasture and surrounding area. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool 10am. Please contact Dave Tayler if you wish to attend on 01729 825953 |
Tues 3 Nov 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come along to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry. |
Tues 17 Nov 7.30 pm |
All members are welcome to come along to the Meeting Room at the Friends Meeting House, Settle. |
Tues 24 Nov | Members' slides evening An opportunity to show those slides and digital images collected during the field season or that we have not seen before at Townheadcourt. Please contact Dave Tayler beforehand. |
Sat 14 Feb | YWT Coffee morning - Church House Grassington |
Sat 4 April | YNU Conference: 2009 - Environmental Corridors - St George Hotel Harrogate (Note this is two weeks later than on YNU membership Card) |
Please Note:
- Waterproof clothing and stout boots are strongly recommended for all outdoor events
- For all practical events, participants are advised to ensure their tetanus vaccination is up to date
Now you can find out about events run by the Yorkshire Naturalists Union (YNU) at their website and by some of the forty or so other natural history societies throughout Yorkshire which are affiliated to the YNU
Conservation working parties in Craven Conservation Group local area: |
Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details | Volunteering for Natural England
The Natural England team at Ingleborough National Nature Reserve are welcoming
volunteers on certain dates. Practical activities will include
vegetation management, tree planting, dry stone walling and fencing.
Meet at Colt Park Barn at 9.00 am or contact John Osborne if you need collecting
from Settle swimming pool or Ribblehead Station. Please note you must be registered
with Natural England for insurance purposes and that travel expenses will be paid to
volunteers. Please Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 beforehand for any of the meetings.
By PRIOR ARRANGEMENT ONLY It is also possible to meet at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park half an hour earlier than the stated times If you have not been on a conservation work day before, it is doubly necessary that you contact John beforehand for insurance purposes. Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details. Bring waterproofs, boots, packed lunch, and make sure your tetanus vaccination is up to date. . |
Skipton Wildlife Watch Group Sat 8 January: Birdsong Event: Tapes, games and activities. Water Street School, Skipton |
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Meet at 9.30am New Volunteers welcome. Please first contact: Chris Alder or 01756 752448 |
The YWT Grass Wood Management committee is also looking to add a few names to the list of volunteers who warden the wood during summer weekends. If you are interested, please contact Chris Alder |
Yorkshire Dales National Park Guided Walks and guided walks of other organisations. Guided Walks in the the Yorkshire Dales, on various natural history topics. Run by the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Although aimed primarily for tourists, These are very good value for money for locals too. and we don't have to travel far to get to the walks. |
Natural History and other courses at Malham Tarn Field Centre.(e.g. Grasses, algae, mosses, moths, and many others). Malham is 7 miles from Settle. It is usually possible to attend these courses as a day student. Highly Recommended as a holiday. Also see Grasses courses led by J.A. Also Courses at Kinder Field Centre in Scotland |
Plantlife |
Fungi Links See also the websites of The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group The North West Fungus Group (Includes Cumbria Lancashire, Cheshire and Clwyd) Information on fungi |
Weblinks you may like Rainforest-save.blogspot.com - Judith (webeditors) blog on raising money to save wildlife habitats North Craven Herigate Trust - Good articles in past issues. North Craven Historical Research Group - Giggleswick Scar Project Tony Dilger Photography - TG is a new CCG member. Good photos Craven Speakers Club, Skipton - Identifying molluscs- eay online key to garden slugs and snails Yorkshire Dales National Park Biodiversity Action Plan Craven District Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan (outside YDNP) Corio Raptor Care - Providing Care for Sick and Injured Birds of Prey Harlequin ladybird survey - News- A new ladybird has arrived in Britain . But not just any ladybird: this is the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis , the most invasive ladybird on Earth.- Look out for sightings in Craven as it comes north. |
CCg members: Have you filled in your Parish Mapping Forms yet? Download a form here. Even if those of us on email send in just three records each, that would give well over 100 records. There are forms for flowers, birds, mammals and habitats: bluebells, ivy covered walls, short eared owls... Terry Whitaker would like to receive butterfly and moth records for this part of Yorkshire VC64 and VC65. Non members are very welcome to contribute results too. See the Yorkshire butterfly distribution map that the records contribute to. |
Craven Conservation Group Home Page . contact us
Copyright ©2009 - 2010 quantum dot knowledge and Craven Conservation Group |