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10 Jan | Local Nature Reserve ( LNR ) practical days The Yorkshire Dales National Park Volunteers have proposed the following dates for practical activities (tasks to be confirmed) on the LNR 's or Craven Limeworks=Hoffman Kiln Wednesday January 10 th Normal routine is to meet at Stonedykes Barn, Stainforth , BD24 9PB for 9am . Any CCG members who wish to take part are very welcome. Please contact Steve Hastie, Area Ranger (Ribblesdale) to confirm on 01729 825182/07818 048767 or email Steve.Hastie@yorkshiredales.org.uk
Wed17 Jan 7 pm |
Curry Night at the Rushee Restaurant, Settle It's bargain curry evening, bring a bottle and a friend. Please confirm with John Osborne on 07967 971523 by Monday 15 th Jan if you wish to come.
Wed 31 Jan 7.30 pm |
Natural History Quiz Night Quiz night with a varied natural history theme at Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle. Please contact David Taylor for more details or to organise a “round” on 015242 51002.
Sun 4 Feb 10 am |
Clapham Nest Boxes Explore Clapham Woods and help to check the nest boxes with John Osborne (with ladder). Meet at the National Park Car Park in Clapham.
Tues 13 Feb 7.30 pm |
Hay Time Talk Pippa Rayner, ‘Hay Time Officer' at YDMT will give an illustrated talk on the Hay Time Project which aims to restore Dales upland hay meadows to some of their former glory.
Wed 28 Feb 7.30 pm |
Corio Raptor Rescue Organisation Come and get close to wild birds of prey for an insight into their work at Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle. Entrance is £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome.
Tues 6 March 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry.
Tues 15 March ??? |
Illustrated talk tbc
Sat 17 March ?? am |
Yorkshire Naturalist Union Annual Conference: ‘ Biodiversity of the North York Moors' Held at the Swallow St George Hotel Harrogate. Contact Judith Allinson for details on 01729 822138.
Sun 15 April 10 am |
Birch Pulling at Austwick Moss Explore this local site with Stuart Ralph and help with Conservation Management. With good weather there should be snipe drumming and interesting plants to discover. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport.
TBC 10 am |
Moss Walk A walk for beginners with Sue & Richard Willis and Judith Allinson (?). Meet at Hannah's Cottage, 1 Main St , Kirkby Malham (park by the church).
Sat 21 April 10 am |
Dales Lepidoptera Action Group Butterflies and Moths of the Yorkshire Dales
Sat 21 April 10 am |
YNU Snails visit to Kingsdale |
Sun 6 May 10 am |
Molluscs of Giggleswick Scar Area Visit Huntsworth Common and Giggleswick Scar with Adrian Norris and discover the remarkable range of molluscs. Please collect some molluscs - snails of slugs from your garden beforehand and bring these too. Contact Judith Allinson for further details on 01729 822138 |
Sun 13 May 4.30am | Dawn Chorus Walk at Ingleton Glens Walk with John Osborne up the river Twiss to Pecca Falls and Thornton force. Meet at Ingleton Market Place SD 695733. Please book by ringing John a few days before on 07967 971523 after 5pm Entrance fee applicable |
Sun 13 May 4.30 am |
Dawn Chorus Walk at Ingleton Glens Walk with John Osborne up the River Twiss to Pecca Falls and Thornton Force. Meet at Ingleton Market Place SD 695733. Entrance fee applicable. Please book by ringing John a few days before on 07967 971523 after 5 pm .
17 May | Botanical monitoring at Cleatop on NVC quadrats 01729 823808 Meet at 9.30 at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park or at parking before walk to site at- 9.45 at the Barns on A65 below new Cleatop Wood. |
Thurs 17 May 6.30 pm |
Spring Flowers at Oxenber & Wharfe Woods Enjoy the delights of these wonderful ancient woodlands and explore the new trails created by the National Park and English Nature. Meet at Settle Swimming Pool to share transport or Austwick Beck Bridge GR 769683 at 6.45 pm .
18 May | Botanical monitoring at Cleatop on NVC quadrats 01729 823808 Meet at 9.30 at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park or at parking before walk to site at- 9.45 at the Barns on A65 below new Cleatop Wood. |
Fri 18 May 8.00 pm |
Dusk Chorus Walk at Ingleton Glens Walk with John Osborne up the River Twiss to Pecca Falls and Thornton Force. Meet at Ingleton Market Place SD 695733. Entrance fee applicable. Please book by ringing John a few days before on 07967 971523 after 5 pm .
Sat 19 May | YNU VC 64 Field Meeting at Nethergill Upper Wharfedale See Judith
22 May | - Note 22May work is at Cleatop (not Attermire as previously advertised) -Botanical monitoring at Cleatop on NVC quadrats 01729 823808 Meet at 9.30 at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park or at parking before walk to site at- 9.45 at the Barns on A65 below new Cleatop Wood. |
Sat 26 May 10am |
Your Dales Rocks Talks and walks organised by the North Yorkshire Geodiversity Partnership in association with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority to launch the Local Geodiversity Action Plan for the Yorkshire Dales. Event held at Ingleborough Community Centre, Ingleton, with talks from 10 am, guided walks from 1.30 pm. Fee is £7.50 which includes refreshments, walk fees where applicable, but not lunch. For further information tel: 01969 666210 or e-mail geodiversity@yorkshiredales.org.uk |
Sat 2 June 2 – 5 pm |
Tea in a Wildlife Garden Roger and Liz are kindly opening their beautiful wildlife garden to CCG members. Join them at Bankhouse, Higher Westhouse, near Ingleton for tea and join in nature trails and pond dipping – fun for all the family! Call Roger and Liz on 015242 41155 for details.
Tues 7 June 6.30pm |
Brae Pasture An evening walk on this superb SSSI with Helen Sergeant and Hilary Fenten. Meet at 6.30 at Settle swimming pool or 6.45 by Brae Pasture (SD 790743).
Tues 12 June 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry.
Tues 19 June
Hay Meadow Walk at Yockenthwite Farm Meet at Settle swimming pool and join members viewing these spectacular meadows in Upper Wharfedale. Contact David Tayler for further details on 01729 825953. |
Mon 25 June | Winskill Stones Nature Reserve 10am-3pm. Meet at car park at SD 834 659
If possible please phone Joe Costley of Plantlife 01722 342730
or Gerald Light 01756 753720 before hand to say you are coming
- but if you can't phone - please do just come - we need volunteers - |
Mon 25 June to Sun 1 July | SPOTLIGHT ON INGLEBOROUGH 2007: ‘Footprints on the Hill’
Tue 26 June | Wildflowers and wildlife of Southerscales Nature Reserve This is a CCG and a SOI event - Led by Judith Allinson (not Roger Neale, as billed by the SOI posters). Wear strong footwear. Meet at 19.00 at the lay-by north of the Hill Inn SD 744777 |
Wed 26 June | Wildlife of Southerscales Nature Reserve. led by Roger Neale, Chair of Southerscales Management Committee. Wear strong footwear. Meet at 19.00 at the lay-by north of the Hill Inn SD 744777 a CCG and SOI event. |
29 June
14. Fri 29 June, Wildflowers of Attermire and Langcliffe - day event - POSTPONED DUE TO BAD WEATHER This is a workshop/learn about wildflowers/survey day - run |
i July | Spotlight on Ingleborough: Family Fun Day
Thur 5 July | LNR practical (Local Nature Reserve) - This is open to all volunteers, CCG or not. Cleatop (probably including some ring barking.) |
Sat 7 July
Hidden Secrets of Easegill |
14 July 10 am |
YNU Botanical Section VC64 Clapham Station. 10.30am. SD733678 |
Sat 4 Aug |
LNR practical (Local Nature Reserve) - This is open to all volunteers, CCG or not. Cleatop (probably including some ring barking.) |
Sat 11 August 9pm |
National Moth Night (For further details contact webeditor@craven-conservation-group.org.uk
Bat Walk |
Tues 11 Sep 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry. |
TBC Sat 22 Sept |
Fungus Foray |
Tue 16 Oct (provisional Date) | Top Ten Grasses of the Yorkshire Dales Illustrated talk by Judith Allinson (who runs Grass identification courses in several centres in Britain). the talk will include sections on the importance of grasses, tips for identifying some of the bigger wild grasses of Craven and features to look out for when looking at grasses. 7.30pm The Friends Meeting House, Settle |
Tues 1 Nov 7.30 pm |
Planning Meeting All members are welcome to come to the Meeting Room at Horton Quarry.
Sun 4 Nov |
12 Nov 7.30 pm |
Flowers of the Settle Carlisle Line - Illustrated Talk by Judith Allinson This talk will concentrate on the southern half of the line (the part that Craven Conservation Group surveyed in the 90s), and on plants that grow in the Settle Carlise line "corridor". If other CCG members would like to bring a few digital picutres on this topic too, please contact Judith beforehand. |
Tues 20 Nov 7.30 pm |
Annual General Meeting 7.30pm Friends Meeting House, Settle All welcome. |
Sun 9 Dec
10.30am |
Organised by John Osborne of Natural England Meet at 10.30a.m. at Ribblehead Station and bring a packed lunch and At the time of arranging this event, information about what the state of |
Sat 15 March 2008 | YNU Conference: Monitoring Biodiversity in Yorkshire -Held at the Swallow St George Hotel Harrogate. Contact Judith Allinson for details on 01729 822138 |
Now you can find out about events run by the Yorkshire Naturalists Union (YNU) at their website and by some of the forty or so other natural history societies throughout Yorkshire which are affiliated to the YNU Nat. Sciences Committee on the 7th of October at Headingley, Leeds and Y.N.U.'s Uplands Study Forum |
Conservation working parties in Craven Conservation Group local area: |
Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details | Volunteering for Natural England
The Natural England team at Ingleborough National Nature Reserve are welcoming
volunteers on certain dates. Practical activities will include
vegetation management, tree planting, dry stone walling and fencing.
Meet at Colt Park Barn at 9.00 am or contact John Osborne if you need collecting
from Settle swimming pool or Ribblehead Station. Please note you must be registered
with Natural England for insurance purposes and that travel expenses will be paid to
volunteers. Please Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 beforehand for any of the meetings.
By PRIOR ARRANGEMENT ONLY It is also possible to meet at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park half an hour earlier than the stated times If you have not been on a conservation work day before, it is doubly necessary that you contact John beforehand for insurance purposes. Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details. Bring waterproofs, boots, packed lunch, and make sure your tetanus vaccination is up to date. . |
Skipton Wildlife Watch Group Sat 8 January: Birdsong Event: Tapes, games and activities. Water Street School, Skipton |
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Meet at 9.30am New Volunteers welcome. Please first contact: Chris Alder or Ellis Tinsley 01756 792338 |
The YWT Grass Wood Management committee is also looking to add a few names to the list of volunteers who warden the wood during summer weekends. If you are interested, please contact Chris Alder |
Yorkshire Dales National Park Guided Walks and guided walks of other organisations. Guided Walks in the the Yorkshire Dales, on various natural history topics. Run by the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Although aimed primarily for tourists, These are very good value for money for locals too. and we don't have to travel far to get to the walks. |
Natural History and other courses at Malham Tarn Field Centre.(e.g. Grasses, algae, mosses, moths, and many others). Malham is 7 miles from Settle. It is usually possible to attend these courses as a day student. Highly Recommended as a holiday. Also see Grasses courses led by J.A. Also Courses at Kinder Field Centre in Scotland |
Plantlife |
Fungi Links See also the websites of The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group The North West Fungus Group (Includes Cumbria Lancashire, Cheshire and Clwyd) Information on fungi |
Corio Raptor Care - Providing Care for Sick and Injured Birds of Prey |
CCg members: Have you filled in your Parish Mapping Forms yet? Download a form here. Even if those of us on email send in just three records each, that would give well over 100 records. There are forms for flowers, birds, mammals and habitats: bluebells, ivy covered walls, short eared owls... Terry Whitaker would like to receive butterfly and moth records for this part of Yorkshire VC64 and VC65. Non members are very welcome to contribute results too. See the Yorkshire butterfly distribution map that the records contribute to. |
Craven Conservation Group Home Page . contact us
Copyright ©1997-2007 quantum dot knowledge and Craven Conservation Group |