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We hope we will see you at lots of events this 2007.
Following the success of the Spotlight 2006 celebration of Ingleborough and its National Nature
Reserve, there is to be another week of events, June 25th July 1st 2007, pulled together by Natural
England, the Learning in Limestone Country team at the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust and the
Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority.
The weekday and evening activities will include themed led walks and talks, including a bat watch,
butterfly spotting, landscape photography, archaeology, fascinating geology and fabulous flowers, all
led by experts in their field.
Local schools are taking part during the week by enjoying the spectacular limestone scenery
surrounding Ingleborough led by the Learning in Limestone Country staff, exploring themes such as
tales of boggarts, underground water and wonderful rock formations. These schools will then provide
a display or creative performance about their experiences on The Hill at the Family Day.
The Family Day was the high point of the celebration last year as we enjoyed the fine site of the Old
Hill Inn in Chapel le Dale. Here we flew flags and kites, had a go at stone carving and making our
own bird boxes and wildlife masks whilst Carboniferous Creatures and drummers danced around us.
We enjoyed jazz from Dales Jam to the backdrop of Ingleborough in all her glory.
The Family Day this year will be SUNDAY JULY 1ST. Through the theme Footprints: past, present
and future, we will explore links from the ancient to the modern, following our footprints through time
in this well-trodden but noble landscape. There will be models to make, footprints to cast, treasure
trails to follow so put on your boots and come and join us! For the full and exciting list of whats on
throughout the week and on the July 1st Family Day, look at www.naturalengland.org or
So put these dates in your diary now! 25th June 1st July 2007 and dont keep these great events
secret, bring along your neighbours, friends and family as well.
David Tayler
Here are some notes from Judith's latest email to Friends of Craven Conservation Group Newsletter
Mon 25 Bats about Bats Talk by John Altringham - The Friends Meeting House, Settle
This is a Spotlight on Ingleborough Event. (SOI) - And Prof
John Altringham is an excellent Speaker - I am not even sure
whether to put the event up - It will probably
sell out without my help - and it's free ! Illustrated talk
on bats in local caves and further afield
10. Tue 26 June. Lower Winskill Farm. 2-4.30pm
Plantlife Guided Walk and Study Day. Using his own farm as a
case study, Tome Lord will introduce plant conservation with
DEFRA's new Farm environment Scheme. There will also be a
chance to see some of the flower rich fields. SD 826 665
www.winskillfarm.co.uk This event is Free, but please
book beforehand by phoning Plantlife on 01722 342730 - Not a spotlight walk but I'll put it up anyway
11. Tue 26 June - Wildflowers and wildlife of Southerscales Nature Reserve
This is a CCG and a SOI event - Led by myself (J.A.) not
Roger Neale, as billed by the SOI posters. Wear strong footwear.
Meet at 19.00 at the lay-by north of the Hill Inn SD 744777
12. Wed 27 June - Wildlife of Southerscales Nature Reserve.
led by Roger Neale, Chair of Southerscales Management Committee.
Wear strong footwear. Meet at 19.00 at the lay-by north of the Hill Inn
SD 744777 a CCG and SOI event.
13. Wed 28 June - Butterflies of Ingleborough and beyond. 7.30pm
Talk (as part of SOI) by Dr Terry Whitaker at Langcliffe Institute.
Terry has been carrying out surveys on Ingleborough and
surrounding areas for several years so will be able to tell us
about trends in butterfly populations - and show us
pictures of what the butterflies actually look like. I have
heard his fascinating talk on how butterflies are increasing
around Malham Tarn due in correlation with Climate Change -
so wonder if he will have a similar story to tell..
14. Fri 29 June, Wildflowers of Attermire and Langcliffe - day event
This is a workshop/learn about wildflowers/survey day - run
in conjunction with Tim Thom of the YDNP. Beginners welcome.
Please ask for more details from Mike Canaway 01729 823808
meeting at Settle Swimming Pool at 9.30 a.m. All welcome but
please contact Mike first in case weather conditions cause
us to alter plans. CCG and everyone else welcome.
15. Fri 29 June - Bats, Birds and Beer - Walk at Clapham
SOI event. 8pm Join John Osborne and David Hodgson for an evening
walk through Clapham Woods. Here the dusk chorus, spot owls and
look out for bats. Finishing at 10.30pm just in time for last orders.
A walk to look at the rocks that form the foundations to the
Yorkshire Dales. These rocks were formed millions of years
ago before the ones that are responsible for the familiar
Dales scenery. the walk will take place in a number of sites
where erosion of the younger rocks have revealed their
foundations and allow the earlier conditions to be interpreted.
Meet at Horton Station at 10.15 (connects with the 9.00am
train from Leeds)8 miles
Leader - Bill Fraser (geologist) info: 01729 825454
17. 25 June - 1 July Spotlight on Ingleborough -
More events -not enough space to list them all above -
The Spotlight on Ingleborough material can be downloaded
as a pdf file from http://www.ydmt.org/downloads.html
25 June - 1 July
If finishes with a family fun day on 1 July.
If you do not wish to receive these news email please let me know.
If you later receive a second email (sent two days ago and currently
still wandering around in cyberspace) I apologise.
People on my "Craven Conservation Group - members and friends"
list will shortly receive a more detailed email with details of
item 14. (Fri 29 June, Wildflowers of Attermire and Langcliffe - day event)
and with details of CCG's Moth Trapping project (We do let the moths go!)
- If you do not hear from me but would like to be included in that email
list too, please let me know.
Craven Conservation Group Current Events . contact us
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