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What is Christian Ecology Link ?
Christian Ecology Link
- Offers insights into ecology and the
environment to Christian people and churches.
- Offers Christian insights to the Green
CEL Information Officer: 3, Bond Street, Lancaster, LA1 3ER, UK.
tel: +44 (0)1524 33858
Working for a Greener Church
We are responsible for our impact on God's creation as a whole. CEL
helps members to understand and relate these responsibilities to their
faith. Members can then encourage others in their local church to think
seriously about these issues.
CEL was founded in 1981 and supports Christians from all backgrounds
and traditions
Current CEL developments for local churches:
- Operation
Noah (encouraging a Christian response to climate change)
ChurchLink (a scheme to produce a twice yearly simple environmental
sheet free for churches)
L ... Locally produced
O .. Organically grown
A ... Animal friendly
F ... Fairly traded
Download and use CEL's
LOAF placemats
CEL has denominational teams so that some members can be more effective
by involving their own denominations. If you are a member of CEL and would
like to be put in contact with members of your own denomination please
contact CEL's information officer above.
Methodist Resources
Catholic Resources
Baptist Contact Group
In some parts of Britain there are local CEL groups. Contact the Information
Officer to find out if there is one near you.
Autumn 2005: Local Groups Newsletter No. 1
Autumn 2006: Local Groups Newsletter No. 2
Advice on how to set up a local group
MEMBERSHIP: How to join
At present all the work in CEL is carried out unpaid. CEL has a Steering
Committee of 12 people which meets at least four times a year. For dates
and venues of Steering Committee Meetings please contact Barbara
Other members serve on subcommittees, e.g. Journal Committee, Education
Committee. Other members contribute by helping produce material for
topic leaflets; by organising events; by taking CEL display posters
and leaflets to local events and national events such as Greenbelt;
and in many other ways. We welcome offers of help
CEL Chairman is Dr
Tim Cooper
CEL Information Officer is Laura Deacon, to whom most email questions should be sent.
Editor of Green Christian: Chris
Rt. Revd. James Jones
Fr. Sean McDonagh
Revd. Dr. Ruth Page
Jonathon Porritt
Prof. Sir Ghillean Prance
Dr. Elaine Storkey
----- CEL welcomes new members ----
Christian Ecology Link (CEL) is a registered charity No. 328744.
We invite you to donate to CEL:
(CEL is a voluntary organisation and
welcomes your donation to further our work):