GREEN POINTERS FOR PREACHERS - ONLINE Ecological Notes to the Common Worship Lectionary - by Keith Innes Week by week we shall be putting on line the series of notes on ecological aspects of the set bible readings that many churches use throughout the year. PRAYER GUIDE FOR THE CARE OF CREATION The CEL Prayer Guide for the care of creation consists of an entry for each day of the month. Those for Sundays take the form of a prayer. The other days set out the facts on some current environmental issue and suggest prayer on this topic. This guide is an invaluable resource for a church wishing to include environmental issues in their acts of worship. A new guide is sent each month. Available at £6.00 pa. (cheques payable to Philip Clarkson-Webb) from:
This is also available online in web page form and in doc file form. PACKS Steps Towards Sustainability £4.00: 18 leaflets on a range of topics giving practical information on how to live sustainably. The topics are:
"How Green is Your Church?" This video is available for hire at £3.50 per month. this 12 minute video is an excellent basis for group discussion. Video loan price includes postage and packing CEL's mobile exhibition system consists of 6 boards, each 3 feet by 2 feet which together form a free standing three panelled unit. The content links Christianity with Ecology. The cost of hiring the exhibition is £35 which includes return carriage. CEL also has a set of 8 laminated posters which can be borrowed (in the UK) to put on your own boards/wall. each measures 1' 10.5" x 2' 6" or 58cm x 78cm The return postage for these is £12. For booking these contact CEL AUDIO-CASSETTE TAPES £2.50 Ask CEL for a free list of tapes available. Tapes cost from £2.50 each All the above items are available from:CEL Publications 40 The Avenue, Roundhay, Leeds LS8 1JG, UK The prices include postage in the UK for orders of £1.00 and over. Please add 50p for orders under £1.00. Tim Cooper, Sustaining the Earth, St John's Extension Studies, 1997, £9.99. A "distance learning" course designed to use in church study groups, available from St John's Extension Studies, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3RL, United Kingdom, Tel 0115-925 1117 A number of speakers are available to give talks on the Christian dimension of environmental concern to churches, church groups, and other church gatherings, both large and small. Churches which register with the Churchlink Scheme are sent a FREE mailing twice a year
RESOURCES OF OTHER ORGANISATIONS 2003: CREATION TIME September 1st to the Second Sunday in October Prayers and Liturgical Suggestions have been prepared for 2003 by ECEN, entitled Our Responsibility to Future Generations These, or extracts from them, can be used in any service. One CEL Member says "They were very useful in our Lent group this March 2003" The majority of the material can be downloaded as a Word 97 doc file from the ECEN website. Nov 2002: Two Excellent new workbooks: Patenting (£2-00) and GMOs (£3-00) produced by the Columbans 020 8202 2555 Stafford Borough Council has produced Faith for the Future LA21 Action Pack Bio-patenting Very useful material relating to this topic prepared by the Canadian Catholic organisation: Development and Peace Recycling leaflet Prepared by: The Green Group, Selly Oak Methodist Church Langleys Rd, Birmingham Download leaflet in doc format (43Kb) or pdf (20Kb). If you find it useful do send them an email 01214714175 Discussion Papers of the Environment Group of Churches Together in Cumbria. Series 2 --- Produced in April 2002: the document and papers may be photocopied. Some leading scientists and church people in Cumbria have put together a series of articles with discussion questions at the end. These would make an excellent basis for discussion at Fellowship Groups or Discussion groups.. and are also stimulating private reading. Topics include: Today's Issues; Sustainability; Water; Farming; Christ in Creation; Enough; Globalisation and Multi-nationals; Leisure, Tourism and the Environment; Visioning; Future Paths; Write to The Jays, 3 WhiteHouse, walton, Brampton, Cumbria CA82DJ INK Independent News Collective ![]() A Plant list for a Bible garden. This site has a list of flowers and other plants that are mentioned in the bible plus a list of very similar "substitute plants" that could be considered. Two good books on the topic, both by Nigel Hepper are: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Plants Planting a Bible Garden Nigel Cooper has written a good book on Managing churchyards for wildlife Cooper, Nigel 2001 (2nd edn.) Wildlife in Church and Churchyard: plants, animals and their management. London: Church House Publishing Website Advice for churchyard wildlife havens A Yorkshire wildlife Trust website which gives useful advice aimed at helping wildlife flourish in churchyards Methodist Resources Resources are described at CEL's Methodist team page, including the excellent Slide-tape Meditation "Making Peace with the planet". CEL members can borrow some of these from CEL Catholic Resources Resources are described including the excellent Slide-tape Meditation "Stations of the Forest". CEL members can borrow some of these from CEL Eco-Congregation The Eco-Congregation programme is administered by the Churches Environmental Project Officer at Encams. (Encams - environment campaigns- is a new charity made up of the fusion of Going for Green and Keep Britain Tidy). You can download some of the units in the Eco-Congregation programme . CEL encourages churches to enter for this programme. Eco-Cal or EcoCal Encams have an excellent computer game/quiz called EcoCal (2.39MB) which can be downloaded from their The Future Centre, Oxford You fill in scores for your family's household for transport, water use, waste etc and get a final score
The Living Churchyard range of audio visual/information items:
Sadly the Arthur Rank Centre currently has no conservation officer due to funding restrictions. The magazine Country Way is produced at the Arthur Rank Centre. Country Way is written from the countryside itself in full knowledge of the rural realities. The Hibbert Trust has online material "Bringing Religion Down to Earth" about care of the natural world, for school assemblies, including some worship songs Rogation Service is a lovely outdoor service held in spring (May 28th in 2000), during which the whole congregation troops from church to a field, to pond/water to a garden etc and asks for God's blessing. This link gives you the words of the Anglican Church's service plus a modern introduction and an extra prayer. The URC Church in February 1999 published the pack "Root and Branches". This can be obtained from Rev David Pickering Vegetarian Diet for Lent - Action Pack The six booklets can be downloaded in pdf format. The Pack is sponsored by Christian Response Worldwide. Comments on this pack vary from "For those that want to tackle the subject in detail, I've seen nothing more impressive," to "The booklets seem to be a rather one sided collection of resources," From "Completely over the top," to "Some good material in it but the whole ethos of this pack militates against a healthy, balanced attitude to how animals should be treated," CEL's own leaflet on Vegetarianism (listed at the top of this page) takes a more balanced approach. Living creatures, including farm animals, have their own value under God. Some biblical passages picture people eating meat, others show vegetarianism as an ideal with humans and animals not killing or eating one another. CEL is pressing for better, humane methods of rearing livestock, the cessation of transport of live animals over long distances and the re-opening of well run, small local abattoirs. ICCE International Centre for Conservation Education. This organisation produced some of the slide packs mentioned elsewhere - eg Making Peace with the Planet. It has a variety of secular Conservation slide packs, videos and CDs. If you need a photo or slide on a particular conservation topic for an article, they have an extensive collection. It is still possible to buy the pack Christianity and Conservation (£16.50 plus VAT) from ICCE. Search the Bible for references to ecological words that you may be interested in such as bird, tree, reed,. Bear in mind the bible was written almost 2000 years ago (and earlier), so do use your common sense when choosing which word to put in. Useful biblical quotes on stewardship Hymns for a Caring World by Peter Rose and Anne Conlon (1996) is a book of songs and hymns (with music), with an environmental or social slant. The song "When your Father made the world, has a chorus which finishes "The world is a garden you made, A life for our food, life for our joy, life we could kill with our selfish greed" They wrote the musicals, Yanomano, Ocean World, African Jigsaw and Arabica New Book: Faiths for a Future: A Resource for teaching environmental themes in Religious Education. 128 pages A4 photocopiable For teachers aged 5-13. Edited by Robert Vint for the Religious Education and Environment Programme (REEP) n£14.95 ISBN 1 85175 163 7 Even Newer Book (March 1999): Earth Spirituality, Jesus at the Centre; by Edward P Echlin. ISBN 1856084450. Price: £5.99 Date: 1999 And a Yet Newer Book: Choices at the Heart of Technology: A Christian Perspective; by Ruth Conway Trinity Press International 1999 ISBN: 1-56338-287-3 pbk 144 Distributed by SCM Press, 9-17 St. Albans Place, London NI ONX at £8.95
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