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Bradford Cathedral Conference
Bradford Cathedral Earth Care Conference
Climate change, sea level rise, species extinctions and how the
church should be a voice for care of the earth: - topics raised at:
Bradford Cathedral's first ever conference on the environment, on Sat 3 June 2006, and
attended by people from all the major denominations, and from the far
ends of the diocese over 45 miles away (by train and minibus)..
National speakers included Claire Foster (C of E National
Environment Officer), David Shreeve (Conservation Foundation),
Laurie Michaelis of Quaker Living Witness project and Dr John
Biggs (chemist and former moderator of Free Church Council).
Annie Mawson from Penrith played the Celtic and the Concert
harps beautifully.

David Shreeve was able to give advance notice of the Shrinking
the Footprint Project which will be launched on 5 June
(World Environment Day). www.shrinkingthefootprint.cofe.anglican.org .
All C of E churches and church offices and bishops houses have
been asked to submit their energy bills for 2005 and then again
in 2006 or 2007 so that the churches can record whether they
are using less energy.
Dr John Biggs listed many environmental problems and concluded:
"While rejoicing that there are so many organisations that
are concerned for the care of creation that are Christian-based,
why is it that we have so much difficulty in getting our fellow
church members involved and active? It is so urgent a task.
Some say it is because the problems are so huge and what
little we can do is ineffective. I have said it before,
and I say it again: if you feel like that, you have never
been in bed with a mosquito. With many of us making this
part of our everyday living we can make a difference."
Revd Sam Randall (Bradford Diocese World Church Officer) urged
churches in the Diocese to consider entering the EcoCongregation Scheme and
Clare Hyde told of the stimulation and encouragement her
church at Hurst Green had had through doing it
Some extra points:
1. Bryony Partridge of Oakworth sold EarthCare bags (£2-00) and
encouraged people to campaign against using plastic bags.
2. John Miller of Yorwaste told fascinating facts about
where our waste goes to in North Yorkshire (e.g. green glass
to Spain and gave practical advice on not mixing glass, not
putting lids in with plastic bottles, and collecting aluminium
to raise money for charity. (The picure on the right shows the Yorwaste workshop)
3. Dr John Biggs pointed out that we are using two and a
half times as much resources as the world is capable of
giving – and that top soil is being lost. He urged the
church to be a voice to encourage the government to look
after the world for future generations.
4. Bradford wild flowers collected between Forster Square Railway
Station and the cathedral were displayed on the alter rail:
Herb Robert (pink), Ivy-leaved toadflax(purple) and Oxford
ragwort (yellow)… J.Allinson said. “I think of these as the lilies of the field..
It is good to know the names of local plants."
5. Laurie Michaelis of the Quaker Living Witness Project,
talked about the value of being in a group when trying to
change one’s lifestyle. He got the audience participating, by asking people in pairs to say one thing
they found good about a simple life style, and one thing they found challenging/difficult when trying
to live a simple lifestyle. His own lifestyle already seemed very green, including being a vegan.
6. A minubus load of people came from Bentham, organised by Revd Nigel Thomas, vicar at Bentham, one
of the EarthCare Team
For more details of the Earth Care group contact Clare Hyde 01254 878402 or Revd Nigel Thomas 015242 61321.
Listening to Taffy the Story Teller