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CRAVEN CONSERVATION GROUP EVENTS Jan-Dec 2012 -Draft Events Jan-Dec 2013
The Craven Conservation Group Google Calendar is a public calendar. If you already have a Google calendar you can add single events o the whole calendar to your Google calendar automatically.
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Wed 18 Jan |
Curry night at the Rushee Restaurant, Settle |
Wed 1 Feb |
Big Game, Small Month: A first impression of Africa |
Wed 22 Feb 7.30 pm |
Cave Conservation Project |
Sat 25 Feb |
Bird life at Long Preston Deeps |
Wed 7 Mar |
Sky dancers; the story of hen harriers |
Mon 12 Mar |
Planning Meeting |
Thurs 29 Mar |
Getting outdoors with the National Trust in Upper Wharfedale |
Sat 29 April |
Clifford Hall Ramble |
Thurs 10 May |
Habitats of Giggleswick Quarry |
Sat 12 May |
Spring flowers of Lower Winskill Farm |
Wed 30 May |
Reserves monitoring for the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust |
Mon 11 June |
Planning Meeting |
Sat 16 June |
Botanical survey day in upper Kingsdale |
Wed 27 June |
Summer flowers of Lord’s Pasture |
Wed 4 July |
Botanical survey day around Cowgill Wold |
Sun 22 July |
Ingleborough NNR Open Day |
Sat 28 July |
Ryeloaf Ramble |
Thurs 9 Aug |
Grouse moor flora and management |
Sat 25 Aug | Pond life at Austwick Moss Join Sharon and Peter Flint to explore the ponds on this fabulous SSSI site and compare the still water invertebrates with those living in streams running into the Moss. Meet at Settle Pool at 10.00 to transfer into less cars, as car parking on site is very limited. Bring waterproofs, welly boots and a packed lunch. Please ring Dave on 01729 841157. |
Wed 29 Aug |
Bats of Malham Tarn |
Mon 3 Sept7.30 |
Planning Meeting |
Thurs 6 Sept |
Make hay while the sun shines! |
Mon 17 Sept | Yorkshire Peat Project . Illustrated presentation by Tim Thom, project manager with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust at Townhead Court (across the road from townhead surgery) in Settle, entrance £2-00 for non-members and £1-00 for members. |
Wed 17 Oct |
A buzz in the meadows; Bumble Bees of the Dales |
Mon 29 Oct |
Planning Meeting |
Fungus Foray Due to rainy weather forecast we plan to go for two short walks and then return to St John's Church Hall Settle by midday to look at our specimens, and share looking at Fungi books in the warmth inside, and help each other use fungi keys.. |
Wed 7 Nov 7.30pm |
Members Night |
Tues 13 Nov |
Annual General Meeting |
Sat 24 Nov | YNU AGM at Harlow Carr (Not 17th as in YNU old programme www.ynu.org.uk All CCG members are elligible to attend. - Jubilee Room at the Bramall Learning Centre at the Royal Horticultural Society Garden Harlow Carr in Harrogate- 2pm followed by talk by Dr. Roger Key: Yorkshire – its part in my making There will be a meeting of the Natural Sciences Committee from 11:30am to 12:45pm with refreshments from 11:00am. If you plan to attend this meeting please contact the Natural Sciences Committee Secretary Paula Lightfoot on p.lightfoot@btinternet.com or 01904 449675. This is so we can ensure sufficient seating is available.
A buffet lunch will be provided by Betty’s Tea Rooms at £8.50 per person and will include vegetarian options. If you would like to book lunch at the AGM please contact me by phone, e-mail or post (details at the top of the letter). It is also possible to book and pay for lunch online at http://www.ynu.org.uk/membership/types/YNU%20AGM%20Lunch%202012
Wed 5 Dec 7.30 pm |
Moths and Forests in Yunnan China An illustrated talk by Terry Whitaker. At Townhead Court (across the road from Townhead Surgery) in Settle, entrance £2 for non-members and £1 for members. All welcome. |
Please Note:
- Waterproof clothing and stout boots are strongly recommended for all outdoor events
- For all practical events, participants are advised to ensure their tetanus vaccination is up to date
Now you can find out about events run by the Yorkshire Naturalists Union (YNU) at their website and by some of the forty or so other natural history societies throughout Yorkshire which are affiliated to the YNU
YNU AGM 2012
Conservation working parties in Craven Conservation Group local area: |
Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details | Volunteering for Natural England
The Natural England team at Ingleborough National Nature Reserve are welcoming
volunteers on certain dates. Practical activities will include
vegetation management, tree planting, dry stone walling and fencing.
Meet at Colt Park Barn at 9.00 am or contact John Osborne if you need collecting
from Settle swimming pool or Ribblehead Station. Please note you must be registered
with Natural England for insurance purposes and that travel expenses will be paid to
volunteers. Please Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 beforehand for any of the meetings.
By PRIOR ARRANGEMENT ONLY It is also possible to meet at Settle Swimming Pool Car Park half an hour earlier than the stated times If you have not been on a conservation work day before, it is doubly necessary that you contact John beforehand for insurance purposes. Contact John Osborne 07967 971523 for details. Bring waterproofs, boots, packed lunch, and make sure your tetanus vaccination is up to date. . |
Skipton Wildlife Watch Group |
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Meet at 9.30am New Volunteers welcome. Please first contact: For more detail of working party activities, contact: 01756 753056 |
Jan (2012) 7, 11, 21, 25 Feb (2012) 1, 8, 22 Mar (2012) 3, 7, 17, 21 |
The YWT Grass Wood Management committee is also looking to add a few names to the list of volunteers who warden the wood during summer weekends. If you are interested, please contact Chris Alder For all the dates shown please meet at 09.30 at the Quarry Car Park off Grass Wood Lane (NGR 985652), unless directed otherwise. The location of the work site will be shown on the reverse side of the YWT notice board for those that arrive later in the day. Regular volunteers are reminded to bring the tools with which they were issued. A limited range of tools can be loaned to irregulars. Robust working clothes, and lunch for a full day (weather permitting), are also required. The exact nature of the work will depend on conditions, the number of volunteers present, and the results of contractor's activities. More than one working party may be formed on the day, depending upon priorities and opportunities. All volunteers are asked to be mindful of health and safety issues and our collective responsibility to each other when working. Do not hesitate to ask questions if there are aspects of our work that you would like explained further or that concern you. |
Yorkshire Dales National Park Guided Walks and guided walks of other organisations. Guided Walks in the the Yorkshire Dales, on various natural history topics. Run by the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Although aimed primarily for tourists, These are very good value for money for locals too. and we don't have to travel far to get to the walks. |
Natural History and other courses at Malham Tarn Field Centre.(e.g. Grasses, algae, mosses, moths, and many others). Malham is 7 miles from Settle. It is usually possible to attend these courses as a day student. Highly Recommended as a holiday. Also see Grasses courses led by J.A. Also Courses at Kindrogan Field Centre in Scotland |
Plantlife |
Fungi Links See also the websites of The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group The North West Fungus Group (Includes Cumbria Lancashire, Cheshire and Clwyd) Information on fungi |
Weblinks you may like Rainforest-save.blogspot.com - Judith (webeditors) blog on raising money to save wildlife habitats North Craven Herigate Trust - Good articles in past issues. North Craven Historical Research Group - Giggleswick Scar Project Tony Dilger Photography - TG is a new CCG member. Good photos Craven Speakers Club, Skipton - Identifying molluscs- eay online key to garden slugs and snails Yorkshire Dales National Park Biodiversity Action Plan Craven District Council Local Biodiversity Action Plan (outside YDNP) Corio Raptor Care - Providing Care for Sick and Injured Birds of Prey Harlequin ladybird survey - News- A new ladybird has arrived in Britain . But not just any ladybird: this is the harlequin ladybird, Harmonia axyridis , the most invasive ladybird on Earth.- Look out for sightings in Craven as it comes north.
Sites that link to us: |
CCg members: Have you filled in your Parish Mapping Forms yet? Download a form here. Even if those of us on email send in just three records each, that would give well over 100 records. There are forms for flowers, birds, mammals and habitats: bluebells, ivy covered walls, short eared owls... Terry Whitaker would like to receive butterfly and moth records for this part of Yorkshire VC64 and VC65. Non members are very welcome to contribute results too. See the Yorkshire butterfly distribution map that the records contribute to. |
Craven Conservation Group Home Page . email CCG Secretary email CCG WebEditor
Copyright ©1997-2012 quantum dot knowledge and Craven Conservation Group |